Moving Forward, Older Now
Celebrated another year of orbiting the sun, as a naturalist friend of mine likes to write on birthday cards, by going on a long weekend campout in the Sierras. Though our favorite campgrounds were already closed after Labor Day, we still found a place to pitch our tent. It was a little too close to the highway and a train regularly awoke us at night, but the chickadees and nuthatches abounded during the day. The scenery was beautiful and we had a wonderful time. The teens even seemed to relish our evening campfires and table game of Yahtzee. Tanner rolled an improbable two Yahtzees in a row! We tried for sunning and swimming at Lake Tahoe the afternoon that turned into a huge thunderstorm complete with hail and lightening. It followed us back to camp where we holed up with books until it passed. The forces of nature are not to be toyed with! Back home now, with just the lingering dust on our clothes and the drying of our gear to complete. I can look back on a celebration that rang in my personal new year with the smell of pines and wet earth, and the sounds of my family's laughter.
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