
Showing posts from December, 2022

2022 Embrys (the year that was...)

  Bob and Sharol had an excellent year in 2022! Sharol enjoyed another year of retirement with creative pursuits (stained glass & mosaics! nature writing! traveling!) as well as Cocoa Case, her online chocolate business. After a career of annual reports, though, she can't resist a little review of this last year that was! In January she also joined the board of the Golden Gate Audubon Society and has tackled co-chairing their annual fundraiser, "April Birdathon 2023," as well as the conservation committee, Friends of the Alameda Wildlife Refuge. Sharol traveled to Puerto Vallarta in April with her college friend, Amy, to attend a week-long mosiac workshop at the fantastic Hacienda Mosaico. \ In May the whole Embry clan gathered in southern CA to celebrate Bob's Dad's (also Bob) 90th Birthday! It was a joy to have all of the kids, grandkids, GREAT-grandkids, and cousins as well as Bob Sr.'s siblings get together for the momentous occasion. We added on a spe...