
Showing posts from September, 2012

Turning Seasons: Fall's Here!

With our cool summer, I was reluctant to admit that fall was almost here.  I was hanging on, trying to soak up every ounce of summer I could find over the last few weeks.  But fall has wedged its way into my consciousness and, with a sigh, I'm reminded of everything I love about it: days still warm and sunny, cool nights, crisp air, and the wheeling migration of hawks passing through, shorebirds returning from the north, and white- and yellow-crowned sparrows returning for the winter.  We went apple picking on Sunday and feasted on apple pie last night and applesauce in my oatmeal this morning.  The apples in the picture had to be used right away.  We have a bag squirreled away in the garage for future pies, salads, and fresh eating.