Blog Expansion
Like mycelium quietly expanding underground, my blog life will be meeting up with a couple of public blogging opportunities soon! In this wonderful winter season with inspiration from camellias to wintering song birds, to mushrooms and beach walks after a storm, I get to write a blog for KQED QUEST and also an occasional blog for Alameda Patch. I'll have to take my writing up a notch for KQED after reading some of their posted blogs. It should be fun, though, to write for a larger readership (though I appreciate those of you following this little blog - yes, I know all four of you - which I can't even find when I try searching for it!). I've been lately inspired by all of the mushrooms popping up like winter wildflowers after the latest rains. There are so many different species - one report claimed many hundreds compared to just 35 kinds of oaks. I've been researching mushroom lifestyles - lifestyles of the dirt-poor, spore-fungi and they are fascina...